Mon 27 Jan
RUSSIAN BLONDE.!!....absolutely gorgeous-Outcal- ROCK HARD BODY---Extremely Talented-- Real Pictures - 18
(Denver, Denver Metro, Parker, Castle Rock, DTC)
•°✘((£ετs ₲€₮ ηαμghτγ)) •°⚠°•((ΚιΝκΥ bŘυ₦εΤτξ hθτΤιε)) •°⚠°• (ι ₩α₦η₳) •°⚠°• (dσ βαD τΗιΝgδ)✘°• - 27
(.~*☆DTC INCALLS ONLY ☆*~., City of Denver, Denver)
(( E X O T I C )) ___ PLAYMATE ___ :S W E E T: ___ [&] ___ =YUMMY= _____ AVAiLABLE N0W - 22
(91/605_pioneer outcalls also 5044858278)
__________ *%E V E R Y * B O Y Z * D R E A M @ E V E R Y * M A N Z * F A N T A S Y * %:) ________ - 19
(LoNg BeAcH : ))
Tall blonde bombshell... LOUISVILLE, EVERY WED - SUNDAY! - 27
(Louisville, Louisville, KY & surrounding areas)
💯%REAL✔ 【Hot !】 ✓ 【GIRL】 ✓ 【Complete💘 Sweetie】 ✓ 【Sexy & Hot】 ✓ 【available NOW】💘💘. - 25
(Aurora, AURORA (INCALL), Denver)
Independent*💙Out Call Only!❤ -👱BLUE EYED BLONDE👱💙💯⏰TIME PIECE ⏰💯❤ (702)TWO 18- Seven 8 Seven 1 - 28
(Anaheim, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Hollywood, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Pasadena, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley, Westside)
°·Start Ur Week With My Sweet Treat·° NO 1 Does It Better {T!GHT & JU!CY} RAYVEN♡ 502-296-9249 - 23
(Louisville, Incall/Outcall East)
Sexy Lightskin freaky redbone big booty click here - 23
(Detroit, 94 metro park way incalls only today)
K•¡•N•k•¥ •—• ©UT¡€ Incall Specials• 100% • G U A ® A N T € € D • P L € A S U ® E Sexy Blonde ooooh - 21
(North Jersey, Newark/Elizabeth Airport Rt 1&9)
BiG bOOtY LoVeR$• { TAKE a PEeK } • —• {SLiM EboNy TeMptrEss with a 42" bOoTy} • - 31
(Louisville, Preston HWY)
ABSOLUTELY ..... JaW DrOpPiNg ..... ...... ABSOLUTELY ..... JaW DrOpPiNg !!!!!!! - 35
(DTC (upscale hosting) in/out)
★ ▬▬▬▬★ UPSCALE ★ ▬▬▬▬ ★ UNRUSHED ★▬▬▬▬ ★ONE OF A KiND ★ ▬▬▬▬ ★ SiNFULLY SWEET ▬▬▬▬★ - 20
(South SD County, San Diego OUTCALLS aLL Over)
UNRUSHED & Unforgettable 8/Fwy My Kitty is Driping Im Eager2 Have U Fill Me Up Until U Make Me Cream - 22
(8/Fwy ((Point Loma)) ROSECRANS (Incall))
Busty Hazel Green Eyes ... Caucasian Mix :: Sherman Oaks :: 818-745-6869 - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles)
CALL 4 ♡ SPECIAL ...I'm Every man's dream and Every boy's fantasy - 18
(San Fernando Valley, Reseda / Winnetka)
_____ =U_N_R_U_S_H_E _D= ___ ** ___ =H_O_T = ___ ** ___ =B_E_A_U_T_Y =______ - 21
(San Diego, In/outcalls sd__AVAILABLE NOW)
❤ __________ U P S C A L E __________ ❤ __________ B L O N D E __________ ❤ - 20
(City of San Diego, Downtown Incalls/ Outcalls)
(($100)) CALL ShAnYn 502-232-0517 CaLL me aNd YoU wOn't rEgret iT I bEt YoU iM bEttEr ThaN hEr! - 23 - 23
★ LiL WaiST pReTtY FaCe PhAt AsS JuIcY TiTs NiCe & TiGhT & rEaDy 2 Do Ur BoDy RiGhT G F E. - 22
(((((⎷INCALLS ONLY⎷)))))
2 girls are better than 1♦♣♥♠ visiting 2 days only, last night!!!! - 19
(Louisville, indiana and lou.)
$100 OuTcaLL... CaN CoMe 2 YoU iN 30MiNs or LeSS... gEt YoUr FuLL sAtisFaCtiOn - 28
(louisville, Louisville OuTcaLL OnLy....)
Blue Eyed Bombshell... BACK IN TOWN! Young, Hot & Ready! - 19
(North hills incall, San Fernando Valley)
This Cute, Young, Sweet and Adorable girk loves OLDER Men Only!!! - 22
(Little Rock, West Little Rock)
((_ BLoNDE )) ♥ ( xOT¡C V¡Xn ) ♥ ( « G¡RL - NxT- DoOR » ) ♥ ($100 SPECiAL)! ) - 22
(San Fernando Valley, SHERMAN OAKS ♥ iNCALL)
♛♛[☆THE ☆PERFECT ☆TREAT☆ ] ♛♛ 100 Specials All Night Long - 21
(North SD County, Oceanside new to area)
•º(¯`'•UPSCALE¸ ★ (¯`'•.¸ ☆ ¸.•'´¯) DREAM•GIRL (¯`'•.¸ ☆ ¸.•'´¯) ★ ¸.•'´¯)º * - 20
(Little Rock, hot springs, benton, bryant, malvern)
The Best Kept secret ;-) ... 80 a hour ... Conway( incall only) - 29
·.¸¸.·´¯☆ LaTe NiTe FrEaK☆ CrYsTaL 7204328270 ☆ 100SP ☆ ·.¸¸.·´¯ - 32
(Denver, Aurora/I225/INCALL ONLY)
Too hot for you to miss! me ASAP for you next adventure! - 22
(Little Rock, Little Rock and surrounding areas)
Very Discreet & Friendly .......50,70 till 10pm.. Don't miss out... - 99
(Columbia, Two Notch Rd...In calls...only)
Let me Be Your Bad Girl .... **SPECIALS 70hh/140h** - 32
(Detroit, Sterling Hgts/ mins away from 696)
**Sweet & Petite~~San Francisco's Finest Treat~(916) 213-0896**Specials**
(San Diego, San Francisco (Bay Area))
Are you looking for something with no strings attached!!?
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, Donetska)
SupPER..t Hottt..💌💌💘💞MILF,!! 💋💋UnForGettable💋 MouthPiece - 38
(North SD County, oceanside 5 freeway, camp pendleton)
Jenna....313-778-4134 Sexy, blonde and ready to party n play! - 28
(Detroit, Southfield, Southfield / West)
🎀SNUG Where It Counts🎀💯%Real Pics ~☎Call Now Located off Ih35 New Braunfels - 34
(Austin, New Braunfels/ Outcalls Austin Downtown, San Marcos)
MY Prvt Apartment B¡G bOoTy BeLiZeAn on DuTy ❗️InSaNe MoUtHGaMe ❗️AmAziNg FeELiNg{HIGHLY REVIEWED} - 36
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys INCALL/Outcall)
New In Town!! ♥ PERFECT ➓ ☠ Extremely Skilled & Addictive ☠ - 27
(San Marcos, Incall/Outcall)
❣Must See❣😳 Sexxy 💋💄 Upscale[Jaw Dropping]💋 [Busty & Sweet] 💄💋✨Girl Next Door❣ - 21
(Arboretum, Austin, Austin Area, Downtown, East, North, Round Rock, San Marcos, South)
100 % ReAl PicS____ - :¦:- : ° C° L°A° S ° S ° Y _____ ° R ° E ° D ° B ° O ° N ° E -- :¦:- - - - 20
(San Marcos Outcalls)
2 GIRLS brunette new in the area Special° SUPER *° H OT *new new new - 22